Monday, 7 December 2015

hand drawn contents page

Here is a hand drawn contents design, including a main title at the top of the page, three columns to list the contents of the music magazine as well as relevant news updates and reviews. The last column consists of images and anchorage text to support those images and provide some context. At the bottom will be room for advertisements and an online quiz/competition that comsumers will be able to take part in

The electronic contents page layout was constructed on power point, and consists of a main title, the use of columns, sub-headings, imagery and advertisements. I have structured this in a different way to the hand-drawn designs as there will be sub-headings and then the text to go underneath the sub-headings. I will also ensure that Anchorage text will be included to support t he images on the right hand side, these are only drafts and used as a template basis in order to complete my own contents page

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